TAC Membership page

Membership of the Technology Advisory Committee shall consist of one faculty representative and one faculty alternate from each department elected by their respective departments, four staff at large for a two-year term, and one representative from the IT department. Alternates will vote only when the regular representative is absent.






Ka Va


Bilingual / Multicultural Education (BMED)




BMED Alternate


 Sherrie Hembree


Child Development (CHDV)


Karen Davis-O'Hara


CHDV Alternate


 Jonathan Porteus


Counselor Education (CE)




(CE) Alternate


 Chávez, Dr. José


Educational Administration:
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies (EDLP)




EDLP Alternate


William Vicars (Bill)


Special Education Rehabilitation & School Psychology (EDS)

Ends spring 2007



EDS Alternate


 John Cowan


Teacher Education (TE)




TE Alternate


 Brandon Abell


Information Technology


 Stephen Lentz


Staff 1


Kristine Novak


Staff 2




Staff 3




Staff 4


 Virginia Dixon


Ex Officio Member


Email Addresses:
TAC listserv:  listserv tac-l@csus.edu


vak@csus.edu; kdohara@csus.edu; porteus@csus.edu; chavez@csus.edu; Vicars@csus.edu; cowanj@csus.edu; abell@csus.edu; lentz@skymail.csus.edu; dixonv@csus.edu

Listing of email addresses:


Language under discussion:

Membership of the Technology Advisory Committee shall consist of one faculty representative and one faculty alternate from each department elected by their respective departments, one representative from the IT department, the Faculty Director of Academic Technology, and two staff at large.  Membership is for a two-year term. Alternates will vote only when the regular representative is absent. The Faculty Director of Academic Technology may serve in a dual capacity--representing their local department as well their position with a single vote on the committee.



Agenda Item: 
Whereas the new position of Faculty Director of Academic Technology for the College of Education is a new position in the College. 

Whereas this position is specifically informed by the Technology Advisory Committee.

Therefore let it be resolved that the membership of the Technology Advisory Committee include the Faculty Director of Academic Technology for the College of Education.





June 21, 2006




During the 2005-2006 Academic Year, the department chairs engaged in a process of examining the technology functions, needs and challenges within the College.  They also examined the relationship of technology to duplicating and web work in the College.  The chairs consulted with staff, faculty and the members of the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC).  As a result of this examination, the chairs unanimously and strongly recommended that the Dean seek out and assign a faculty member to perform the duties, as described below.  It is hoped that the Faculty Director can coalesce a vision for IT within in the College and then connect that vision to the resources and services available within the College and across the campus.  It is not intended for the Director to become involved in providing IT support services to faculty and staff.  Indeed, involving the Director in direct service would move the position away from the substantive planning/policy/collaborative work envisioned by the department chairs.




The Faculty Director shall:








The Faculty Director shall not:





Effective as soon as possible, the Faculty Director will commence a one-year term, which may be renewed by the Dean annually for up to three years, pending performance and continued need.


This is a 12/30, 12 month assignment, with 6 units assigned for fall and 6 units assigned for spring.  Due to the 12 month assignment and pay, some work during summer will be required.  As an alternative to a 12/30 assignment, the work could be configured as simple assigned time during the academic year and then contracted days during the summer, paid at the faculty member’s daily rate.


The Faculty Director shall report to the Dean or Associate Dean, as determined by the Dean.




Applicants must have current knowledge and experience related to technology and its many uses in instruction.  Applicants must be able to model and provide instruction on the uses of academic technology to others and show capacity to manage a complex educational technology environment. 





Please indicate your interest in this assignment by submitting a letter or email of interest to Dean Lewis by July 3.  If there is more than one qualified applicant, Dean Lewis will appoint an ad-hoc group to interview candidates.